Sunday, December 7, 2008

Whatzzz Up?

Hey all!
Hope this lil post finds everybody doing well this holiday season. All is good in Southern Cali. We are enjoying the slightly cooler weather and of course loving our life as dogs. Cant complain about our days of chasing Conejo, napping, eating, playing and getting loving. Though when momma took this pic Saturday morning, we were trying to get our nap on...but its all good and we gotta keep y'all updated with current photos of us.

Nothing too wild going on, but we did want to post a "hello" or "hollar".



wolvinya said...

Lav and Sors are delighted to see their most favorite objects of desire!
Even if it is just the one pic. No probs with that!!!


WolfDen said...

Cann't get enough of pictures from our great cousins in Cali!

iilandia said...

awww, nothing but love from our fav extended families overseas.