Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!! Can you believe its 2010...geez!

So we thought we get a little crazy on New Year's Day and do some back bends on the beach...ya know get our yoga on. Trixie didnt want no part of it...but OoRah was brave to walk under momma, confident she would not fall on him.

Wishing everyone a better year than 2009.
Peace, Love, Ruffs, Licks and whatever turns y'all on. :)


wolvinya said...

That's a great way to start the brand new year!!!
You slim, lean, bendy, crazy Bootzzz!!!

Let's make 2010 really worth our while! Filled with love, pleasure and all we can wish for and especially all we are worth (and that's a lot!!!).

LOV~E~, Lavinya, Leilaney, Sorcia & the Pack

iilandia said...

i couldnt have said it better.

WolfDen said...

Wow your own agility!!

Have a great, loving, healthy, happy 2010!!

madcorona said...

have a great 2010

Kaya-Sioux said...

Have a great 2010
