Friday, March 19, 2010

Message from Trixie Girl


Yes we're still here, so don't fret. I know, I know its been a long time since we updated our me when I say our life is wonderful in Cali. We're still hitting the beach on a weekly basis, enjoying great trail hikes, always getting awesome loving from our momma and snacking on delicious treats at the bakery.

Had to share this pic of me and the hole I dug at the beach today. Not sure where I am digging too, but I had fun doing it. OoRah just watched as I did all the work. That's my brother for ya!

Hope everybody is well and we will try to update our blog more often.

Ruffs and Licks,


1 comment:

wolvinya said...

"Not sure where she's digging too?", Sorcia utters. "To me down below!!!!", he cries.