Monday, August 27, 2007

In Honor of Perla

Today was suppose to be Perla's 8th birthday. As the day progressed, Perla's health took a toll for the worse. Tests and ultrasounds taken this morning showed that the cancer had taken over Perla's entire body and her heart was enlarged. Judy did the humane thing and put Perla to sleep. It is ironic, yet poetic that Perla was born this day and passed away this day. She will be forever missed. Below is a pic of Perla and our Tufe doing what they loved to do...playing chase with a tennis ball.
Before Perla's diagnosis this morning, Judy went to 3 Dog Bakery and got her a birthday cake. Instead of celebrating Perla's birthday, we celebrated her life and spirit and the joy she created in our lives.
Rio (Aussie Shepard), Trixie, OoRah and Riley (gray dog), play in the park we named "Perla Park". Perla lived across street from this park and that is how the park got it's name. We would always say, "Lets go to Perla Park."
Perla we love you and thank God for letting us share in your life while you were here on this earth.


wolvinya said...

Dear Perla,passing on on such a memorable day...

Give my love to Judy please and a big hug to you guys,Perla meant so much to you both as well.


Anonymous said...

such a sad yet sweet story...