Saturday, December 1, 2007

A Few Good Young Menz...Finally!

The Marines were putting on a car wash today, so momma went home, got her Mini Cooper, grabbed Trixie (this called for a girls only outing) and went to check it out. Scrub-a-dub-dub baby!
Trixie of course got all the love...such a love bug.
Take your pick Elke! I'm thinking the buff one in the white t-shirt will do ya just fine.


wolvinya said...

Ha,haaa! Well,he certainly got his muscles going for him!!

At least he's much better than the one totally on the right with the doggy-bag! :-0

So did you smudge your car a bit,or did you have the nerve to just come in like that,with a chrystal clean car? (!!).


iilandia said...

car was some what clean. LOL!!! but i gotta keep a look out for us. i need something in between Gerald's visits. ;)

wolvinya said...

OMG!!! I can't believe you just said that out loud!!!

iilandia said...
